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2-component sprayable cold plastic Airless and Airspray – for single or double use

HOFMANN 98:2-Airless-System as well as 98:2-Airspray-System (pump resp. pressurised container version)



Available application techniques

 Sprayable 2 component cold-plastics


No second storage container, thus no risk to interchange erroneously the material during refilling. 

No premixing of a basic component which starts to cure after some time and will become useless. 

No necessity to process the premixed material inside of the machine in due course by reason of highly variable storage stability of material.

No loss of material as a result of partial curing of premixed material. 

Intensive cleanings of container, pump, pipes, etc. with solvent are not necessary.

Metering of hardener with the Airless 98:2 system adjustable from 1,4 % up to 3,8 %. Using the Airspray 98:2 system with pump or pressurised container adjustable from 1.0 % to 4.0 %.

Pulsation free metering of the two components which are proportionately extremely different. 

Application of whole container filling without intermediate flushing of the system thus longer stops can be avoided (not applicable with 98-2 Airspray system).

Exact compliance of mixing ratio therefore mixing as a matter of trial and error is eliminated (except with 98:2 pressurised container Airspray-System).

No intermediate cleaning of the system during work interruptions (marking stops) at e.g. traffic lights (only 98-2 Airspray system).

In case of lack of hardener automatic pump shutdown. 

Marking speeds up to 15 km/h (depending on material and equipment, continuous line, line width 12 cm). 

Double lines and line combinations in one single marking operation are possible. 

Possibility to use AMAKOS® method of operation (except 98:2 pressurised container Airspray-System).

Application of line combinations with two 2-component spray guns possible.

Function principle


HOFMANN 50:48:2-Airless-System

  1. Two containers for basic components
  2. Risk of confusion when filling the different basic components
  3. Cleaning of container A, rinsing of pump A, hose to gun and gun required (hatched area)


50:48:2-Airless-System (also called 1:1-Plus-system) with suction side hardener injection

  1. Two containers for basic components
  2. Risk of confusion when filling the different basic components
  3. Cleaning of pump A, hose to gun and gun required (hatched area)


HOFMANN 98:2-Airless-System

  1. Only one container for basic component
  2. No risk of confusion during filling of the different basic components
  3. Only flushing of the gun is necessary (hatched area)


HOFMANN 98:2-Airspray-System - Pump

  1. Only one container for basic component
  2. No risk of confusion during filling of the different basic components
  3. Aim: Flushing of the gun not necessary or only necessary with air (hatched area)


HOFMANN 98:2-Airspray-System - Pressurised container

  1. Only one container for basic component
  2. No risk of confusion during filling of the different basic components
  3. Airm: Flushing of the gun not necessary or only necessary with air (hatched area)


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Sprayable 2 component cold-plastics

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Airspray (Pressure container) 2-component spray gun M98:2

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